Woody, leathery, spicy, ambery, powdery.
The smell of Iso E Super is very often loved by people because of its comforting softness.
Iso E Super is a bit like entering a sauna, it smells amazing but it feels like your sense of smell is muted.
This perfumery ingredient is one of the most interesting ones to discover when starting learning perfumery. It is rather imperceptible to most, with a smell that people can’t really associate with anything in particular from their every day life. Yet, a scent that most people love and welcome with a sound of happiness.
Perfumers love it because it will give smoothness and help to soften a fragrance thanks to its nuances of incense, cedarwood, fresh pine wood, powdery iris and musk.
It works extremely well when blended with other ingredients such as woods, spices and oriental notes, giving a velvety effect to a fragrance.
Discover our perfumery material
We’ve put together ingredient sets including high quality ingredients – both natural and molecules – and sourced from Grasse and from all around the world. This kits have been designed to help you make your fragrance and will let you smell some key perfumery ingredients before you invest in bigger quantities.
Making synthetic popular
A common ingredient of modern perfumery – used from fine fragrance to laundry detergent, a lot of you will have heard of it through the company ‘Eccentric Molecule’ who has made the molecule famous with its fragrance ‘Molecule 1’.
Iso E Super is a ‘super’ ingredient that is very versatile and gives a warm, woody luxury touch to any composition.
This is also why we love Iso E:
It is probably the molecule (aka synthetic ingredient) that is the most well-known to the general public, helping to un-stigmatise those synthetic molecules that people too often (sadly!) relate as being “bad”.
Smell Iso E Super alongside other amazing iconic molecules of perfumery during our workshops.
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